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7 members of East Grinstead Camera Club ventured out on a “Smartphone Safari ” ably led by Jeanette of Jet Black Squares Ltd.

It was a fine but blustery day and we met up with Jeanette at St Pancras International Station. Our safari started by venturing upstairs and we were introduced to the wonders of what you can actually do with the camera on your smartphone.  Many creative shots followed, involving shooting with the camera upside down on a glass (reflective) table and many of us were in awe of what we actually managed to achieve.

We then ventured outside walking past the massive new headquarters of Google being constructed near the station on our way to the Canal before moving on to “Coal Drops Yard”.  This area was a completely new experience for most of us and former railways buildings and old Gas Works have now been converted into a high end retail area and residential apartments.  The penthouse flat created at the top of one of the old gas tanks reportedly sold for £8,000,000!!

We all explored and photographed the very impressive Samsung centre – even those of us with iPhone’s were allowed in!

It was also a very educational day for most of us as Jeanette demonstrated:

  • the easiest and quickest way to change your exposure
  • using ‘selfies with a timer’ to take upward shots
  • blurring the background after you have taken a portrait
  • capturing reflections in the most unlikely of places
  • shooting through glass with no reflections

We then walked along by the Regents canal which provided more photograph opportunites before adjourning for refreshments to the nearby London Wildlife Trust Cafe.

An excellent and “fun” day out.

It was very windy!

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