05/09/24 | Members’ Social: Pre-season get together. Venue and time to be announced. |
12/09/24 | Members’ Evening: Welcome back and sharing the photography we did over the summer. |
19/09/24 | Talk (in person): Landscapes & Street Photography The natural landscape has always held a special place in James’ heart, and he strives to incorporate this love into his work Presenter: James Ratchford, https://jamesratchfordphotography.com |
26/09/24 | Talk (via Zoom): Capturing the Imagination This presentation challenges the audience to see things differently. It covers a range of topics presented in a unique way, designed to draw the eye and to express the elements and stories within. Presenter: Warren Alani https://www.warrenalaniphotography.com/ |
03/10/24 | Competition: Smartphone – PDI only Judge: Rob Bonfield |
10/10/24 | Talk (in person): Changing Smiles Stacey: “I was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. I have had a dream for a long time, about a project, photographing cleft babies and children but it always seemed too big to ever be possible of achieving and I didn’t really know where to begin. When my baby boy was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, I had an even stronger desire to make this dream a reality”. Speaker: Stacey Hussell https://www.staceybonephotography.co.uk/ |
17/10/24 | Competition: Portrait of the Year Judge: Ian Brash CPAGB, BPE2* |
24/10/24 | Talk (in person): Portfolios Daniel’s portfolio talk aims to inspire and inform, with a wide selection of images from portraits to landscapes, seascapes to animals, macro and more Presenter: Daniel Bridge, https://www.danielbridge.co.uk/ |
31/10/24 | Members’ Evening: Bubble Photography with Val Jenkins & Chris Griffin. This will be a practical evening so please bring your cameras and, ideally if you have one, a Macro or telephoto lens. Otherwise whatever lens you have will do! Can you also bring a polarising filter to fit your lens if you have one as well as a tripod and cable release. |
07/11/24 | Competition: 1st Open PDI and Print Judge: David Eastley, LRPS, https://www.davideastleyphotography.com |
14/11/24 | Talk (via Zoom): Understanding Art Photography Steve has developed a distinct interest in post-modernist photographic art where the image is just the start of the viewers experience. Post-modernist art looks to consider our culture, and challenge the viewer with more abstract & conceptual messages that invite deeper consideration of the place of photography in our world. Presenter: Steve Kingswell, ARPS, FIAP http://stevekingswell.com/ |
21/11/24 | Talk (via Zoom): Never Underestimate an Old Woman with a Camera! Sally says: I’m a bit of a ‘rag-bag’ photographer & will have a go at capturing anything that takes my eye. However, I always seem to gravitate back to either still life or flowers where I can employ my editing skills to enhance the originals Presenter: Sally Sallett, ARPS, CPAGB, AFIAP BPE3* |
28/11/24 | Competition: Nature Judge: Graeme Wales ARPS, CPAGB, BPE2*, https://graemewales.com |
05/12/24 | Talk (via zoom): Landscapes – A Learning Curve Justin says: Over the last few years I have become increasingly absorbed by landscape photography. This presentation aims to pass along some of the things I have learnt during that time, illustrated by plenty of images. Presenter: Justin Minns, FRPS, https://www.justinminns.co.uk/ |
12/12/24 | Members’ Social: ‘Fish and Chip’ Supper and Quiz night |
19/12/24 | No meeting |
26/12/24 | No meeting |
02/01/25 | No meeting |
09/01/25 | Talk (zoom): Urban Night Photography This talk focuses on everything from cityscapes in Docklands to car parks in Leeds. In addition to static photography the capture of moving light from things like cars, trains and people will also be included. Composition techniques, equipment and lighting will all be covered to provide insights and examples of successful night photography. Presenter: Alistair How, LRPS, https://www.alistairhowphotography.co.uk/ |
16/01/25 | Competition: 2nd Open PDI and Print Judge: Martin Faiers |
23/01/25 | Members’ Evening: This will be a practical evening. Full details to be confirmed. |
30/01/25 | Talk (zoom):Creative Photography – It’s Not What You See, It’s What You Make This is a mixed evening – in addition to an overview of my people photography, this also showcases some of my non-portrait photography, step by step walk through making of some of my creative images using a live Photoshop demo and sharing some of my creative projects during lockdown (as featured in the PAGB eNews for May 2020.) Presenter: Mike Martin, EFIAP, AWPF, BPE1*, https://www.mikemartinphotography.co.uk/ |
06/02/25 | Competition: Set Subject PDI and Print Set subjects for PDI – ‘Sea’ and ‘Sport’. Set subjects for print – ‘Capture Motion’ and ‘A Scene From A Walk’. Judge: Royston Williamson |
13/02/25 | Talk (in person): Infrared Photography Nigel is a graphic designer, photgrapher and design teacher based in Lewes. He is a creative artist and has produced many excellent infrared images. Presenter: Nigel French, https://www.nigelfrench.com/ |
20/02/25 | Talk (zoom): Urban and Creative In this talk Tony covers his cityscapes and other urban images, and also my creative work mainly involving multiple exposures. Presenter: Tony North, DPABG, MPAGB, https://www.artofmacro.com/ |
27/02/25 | Competition: 3rd Open PDI and Print Judge: Gerald Kitiyakara, LRPS |
06/03/25 | Talk (in person): Demystifying Printing
We will have a presentation by Tim Jones of Fotospeed on the basics of printing at home for those looking to get started with that approach. Tim will take you through the basics of printing your own photographs at home. Starting with an introduction on colour management and the steps you will need in place to achieve great prints on Fotospeed papers including Black and Whites. Tim will also take you through proofing ideas for your prints on screen via Soft proofing and also Tim preferred technique of printing test print. The evening finishes with a talk on choosing the right paper for your pictures and what to look out for when choosing a paper. Presenter: Tim Jones of Fotospeed, https://fotospeed.com/ |
13/03/25 | Members’ Evening: TBC |
2o/03/25 | Competition: Panel PDI and Print Members may submit between 3 and 6 images to form their panel (PDI and print). Judge: Eddie Lord |
27/03/25 | Talk (Zoom): Photographing the Diversity of Mammals. Wild mammals are amongst the most challenging photographic subjects. Exploring some of the world’s top wildlife destinations in search of giant anteaters, gorillas, elephants, wolves, bears and big cats, get up close to create quirky and unusual images. Presenter: Robert Harvey BA ARPS EFIAP CSci CEnv MCIWEM |
03/04/25 | Competition: 4th Open PDI and Print Judge: TBC |
10/04/25 | Talk (zoom): Photography on the Dark Side – Urban nightscape Photography. During this presentation I will first take you back into the early days of photography and the start of Urban Night Photography running alongside my family history in Photography. Then I will take you on a tour around some of my favourite places for night photography in and around Central London. During this journey I’ll be giving some hints and tips sprinkled with a bit of history about some of the places, so there is something for everyone. Presenter: Peter Benson, FRPS MCrGP AWPF, https://www.peterfbenson.co.uk/ |
17/04/25 | Talk (in person): An Evening of Distinctions As an avid photographer, Clive has achieved the highest distinctions possible, but even so he says that you can make a picture out of anything, it doesn’t necessarily have to be great it just has to be beautiful. Presenter: Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB |
24/04/25 | Competition: Best PDI and Print of the Year Judge: Tim Morland, ARPS |
01/05/25 | Members’ Evening: Club AGM followed by Members’ Knock Out Competition. Members can enter up to 3 images – they can be old or new, serious or funny – anything goes! |
Date & time to be confirmed | Members’ Social: End of season get together and competition awards. Details will be circulated to members nearer the date. |